2| You enjoy having a bedtime at 9:00 pm...10:30 pm at the absolute latest!
3| You actually have a medicine cabinet with medications and vitamins you take each day.
4| Being an adult isn't totally boring...you can now afford to do fun things, like Green Bay Packer games {not the cheap-o nose bleed seats, either!} - thanks to your organized budget!
5| Looking forward to coming home on a Friday and your big plans include one or more of the following: a bubble bath with candles, one glass of wine (or two...but not trying to get crazy drunk!) and/or still going to bed at a reasonable time (so you can get up early Saturday morning to clean).
6| Your Instagram posts consist of your babies and/or pets, DIY projects, pictures of food instead group party photos and #ootd pictures. Realistically, my ideal #ootd would be sweaters, wool socks, and a baggy shirt.