Sunday, January 5, 2014

For the love of turquoise.

Those closest to me know my love obsession addiction to ALL things turquoise.

I'm talking e v e r y t h i n g!

I don't have to like the product, or even need it.  Well, let me define need.  Need- as in have a practical use for it.  But in terms of my addiction, I need  it or else...well I can continue life without it, but there will be a bit of aching desire to purchase this item.  In this case, I will roam around the store several times and I will be drawn towards it.  I already have a hard enough time making decisions when it comes to shopping and choosing how to spend my money.  I will stand there admiring the item, thinking to myself, 'Okay, how many turquoise items do I already own?', and with that I will answer to myself, 'Does it matter?!'.  Yes, I have thought conversations with myself. In the end, I will either purchase it or put it on my list of future purchases to save up for.  But when it is the only item left in stock then the obvious choice is to go ahead and buy it!
No joke, turquoise has some kind of power over me.  Sounds ridiculous, but it is simply the truth.  

As my second post of the year, I decided to prove just how far my addiction goes.

Here are some of the turquoise items I have collected over the years:

This beauty I picked up at Home Goods.  Of course I HAD to have it! 
Perfect addition on my coffee table!

My turquoise stocking I got at World Market for 6 bucks!  
So glad our place has a fireplace mantel 
where I could hang our stockings with care. 

A couple of these glass pieces are from local thrift shops and one is from
my Great Aunt Ladonna.  The couple in the photograph are my
grandparents, Elaine and Robert.  Love and miss them very much!

Love this jar that I found at a local thrift store!

The tall bottle I believe is from my Great Aunt.  
Also note the turquoise/green paint swatches!

Some of my Christmas decorations are still spreading some
holiday cheer around the house!

My absolute favorite picture frame from a nifty little local framing shop
that also sells local crafters' work. 
[DeBerge's in Kenosha, WI]

Some of my turquoise Christmas ornaments!

Turquoise phone cover, of course!

A turquoise frame from Marshall's and a candy jar that I found 
at a great antique store in downtown Kenosha.

Coffee mugs from Pier one and my gorgeous
glass microwavable bowls from Marshalls!

Vases and Ball mason jars from local thrift and vintage shops.

My favorite old cookbook from my Great Aunt and a Christmas gift
from my boyfriend's mom - a Marshalls #fabfind!

My cute aprons!

The tin on the left is a vintage tin I bought in Chicago and the other
is a cookie tin from Byrd Cookie Company in Savannah, GA - they held
the most delectable cookie, Key Lime Coolers! Yum!

My hand towel and shower curtain in varying shades of
what other than TURQUOISE!

Ikea baskets that I just had to have because of the color of the rim!

Vera Bradley messanger bag!

My Ikea metal kitchen cart that 
I re-purposed as my nightstand!

A collection of turquoise shaded scarves!

Ahh, I'm all turquoise'd out! Haha just kidding!  But really, I have a crazy addiction with this color.  I absolutely love it!  Ah well, there could be worse things that I could have an addiction to, right?!

Hope your day is full of sunshine (or in my case loads of snow and negative temps - Thanks Wisconsin!)
 and shades of turquoise!

xo karissa


  1. That IKEA cart- I'm in a swooning frenzy. I can't stand Montana's lack of IKEA love. #wildernessproblems

    1. Kimberly- oh gosh I know! I fell in love when I saw it! We already picked out a wooden kitchem cart and wouldn't have room for the turquoise cart in the kitchen so I found a new use for it! Love all the space for my books, jewelry, and other odds and ends when I get ready in the morning in front of mirror next to it!

    2. Ps- that would be awful to be so far from an Ikea. Ok maybe not the end of the world, but I can only take the beauty of the wilderness for so long and then I would want to go shopping and be near a city! But that's all part of your awesome adventure!

  2. So cute Karissa! I gather your place is very nice from all the pictures. I got a sweet white lamp from St. Vincent DE Paul with a dingy lampshade so I dyed it turquoise. Now it make the white base pop. You can never go wrong with that color!

    1. Hi Jamie! How are you!? Thanks for checking out my blog! Yes I try to make our home nice...that is until Andrew and the dog make a mess of it lol. Your lamp sounds really cute! I love any bright color paired with white! It makes it stand out that much more!
