Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dear Diary

It's been quite some time since I've kept a diary/journal - at least 13 years.  I figured I would start a blog as a means of an online journal.  But I've been meaning to put my micron pens to some use and work on my handwriting.  At first I thought whatever I put on my blog would basically be the same thing I would write in a journal.  The more I thought about it, though, I realized how distracting the internet could be.  When I'm writing my blog posts, I'm usually bouncing back and forth between checking my social media accounts, reading other blogs, searching ideas on Pinterest and the list goes on and on.

I bought this beauty at Marshalls - my absolute favorite store!

When writing in an actual, real life, physical journal - its just you, the pen, and the journal.  You can find a quiet space where you are left with your thoughts and the paper.  Its also much less of a hassle to carry around compared to a laptop.  Say you wanted to write your post at the park or some scenic, serene setting - it would be much easier to bring your writing utensil and your journal than it would be to find a green space that also has WiFi.

On this beautiful, sunny Sunday morning I will be thinking of writing ideas for my journal.  Pinterest is very helpful with that, but I've got to be mindful of the time because two hours and 50 pins later I'll have a bunch of great ideas, but nothing concrete in my journal to show for it!

How do you come up with ideas for either your journal or blog posts?  What inspires you?
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